God's word declares we are to study to show ourselves approved. FICCF is a church founded on rich teachings that bring new meaning to the Word and deepen our relationship with God enabling us to deliver, save and set free. We pray the resources here will assist you in realizing your place in Christ, allowing the righteousness of God to work victory in your life. We invite you to browse our Store for a variety of resources available to help you grow in the knowledge of His amazing grace.

Wounded by Friendly Fire

I’m a Soldier...

Tearing Down The Kingdom

Fantasies, Fairy Tales...

Don't Be Fooled...

Speak Lord

Overcomer Series

The Heart of an Intercessor
$8.50 - $12.50
$8.50 - $12.50

Unforgiveness A Hindrance

Deliverance Questionnaire

Healing is For You

Demolishing Strongholds
$8.50 - $12.50
$8.50 - $12.50

Spirit of Mammon

Conquering Bitterness

Breaking Bondage of Worry

31 Day Devotional